RIC III Antoninus Pius 1260 (dupondius) - The dupondius (Latin two-pounder) was a brass coin used during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire valued at 2 asses (4/5 of a sestertius or 1/5 of a denarius during the Republic and 1/2 of a sestertius or 1/8 of a denarius during the time of Augustus).Dupondius - Antoninus Pius (SALVS AVG S C; Salus) - Numista Our chief and almost only authority for the life of Antoninus Pius is the biography of Capitolinus, which, as may be gathered from what has been said above, is from beginning to end an uninterrupted panegyric.Antoninus Pius - Wikipedia Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius (19 September AD 86 – 7 March ) was Roman emperor from AD to He was the fourth of the Five Good Emperors from the Nerva–Antonine dynasty. [3] Born into a senatorial family, Antoninus held various offices during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Antoninus pius columnDupondius antoninus pius biography wikipediaBiography of antoninus piusDupondius antoninus pius biography book Dupondius or As of Antoninus Pius, 138-161 A.D. -
Antoninus Pius (born Sept. 19, 86, Lanuvium, Latium—died March 7, , Lorium, Etruria) was a Roman emperor from ad to Mild-mannered and capable, he was the fourth of the “five good emperors” who guided the empire through an year period (96–) of internal peace and prosperity. The dupondius was introduced during the Roman Republic as a large bronze cast coin, although even at introduction it weighed less than 2 Roman pounds (librae).
Through a combination of good luck and an even-keeled, frugal personality, he was able to pull off the most exemplary and peaceful reign of any emperor before or since. He was more interested in modernizing Roman law and its infrastructure than on waging wars of conquest.ANTONINUS PIUS.
Antoninus Pius was the Roman emperor from to He is regarded as one of the ‘five good emperors’ in the Nerva-Antonine dynasty and the Aurelii, who guided the empire through a period of internal peace and prosperity. Pius was born in a senatorial family.
Antoninus Pius Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life ...
Roman Imperial, Roman; Mint of Rome, Dupondius or As of Antoninus Pius, A.D., / AD, Bronze. Detroit Institute of Arts, Gift of The Detroit Scientific Association, F We regularly update our object record as new research and findings emerge, and we welcome your feedback for correction or improvement. Dupondius - Antoninus Pius (S C; Minerva) - Numista
The "dupondius", like most other Roman Imperial bronzes of the first three centuries AD, had its origin in the Roman Republican coinage system. The first Roman bronze coins (aes grave) were produced in the early third century BC at weights literally corresponding to the Roman weight system, from the "as" (Roman pound of about grams) to.
Dupondius antoninus pius biography |
Date: 141 CE · Denomination: Dupondius · Manufacture: Struck · Material: Bronze · Authority. |
Dupondius antoninus pius biography summary |
TITUS AURELIUS FULVUS Boionius Antoninus was born to a distinguished Senatorial family on September 19, 86 CE in Lanuvium, about 20 miles (32 km). |
Marcus aurelius |
Type rare. |
Dupondius antoninus pius biography pdf |
Authority: Emperor Antoninus Pius · Date: 160 - 161 CE · Denomination: AE (bronze) Sestertius · Mint: City of Rome · Type Number: RIC III. |
Antoninus Pius | Reign of Peace, Stoic Philosopher, Builder ...
Astfel, în așezări rurale din Dacia romană intracarpatică au fost decoperiți o serie de dupondii (forma de plural a termenului latin dupondius): La Batoș, județul Mureș, un dupondius, emis de Antoninus Pius, la Băla, județul Mureș, un dupondius, emis de Lucius Verus, la Bereni, județul Mureș, 10 dupondii, la Cenade, județul Alba.
Dupondius - Wikipedia
Antoninus Pius AE Dupondius. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P, radiate head right / COS IIII S-C, Salus standing left feeding snake arising from altar to left and holding rudder to right. Cohen Text: Image: RIC Antoninus Pius, AE dupondius, Rome, AD, 25mm; g. Dupondius - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project
Detailed information about the coin Dupondius, Antoninus Pius (LIBERALITAS PVBLICA COS II S C; Libertas), Roman Empire (27 BC, AD), with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data. Dupondiu - Wikipedia
Detailed information about the coin Dupondius, Antoninus Pius (S C; Minerva), Roman Empire (27 BC, AD), with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data.